Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Privacy & Confidentiality

New Media devices have created new ways for our privacy and confidentiality to be compromised. The more new media devices created, the skill people have to hack these new media devices increases. High skilled hackers have the capability to enter into your actual computers and see your online activity. 

While doing research for my term paper, I read an article that mentioned that at least 200,000 Facebook accounts are compromised everyday. New media devices such as social networking sites, puts privacy into question because people tend to share so much information about themselves to the point where you wonder if such a thing as privacy should exist on these devices. A quote I took from the New Media wiki is:

"People who live in glass houses should dress in the basement." -Jeff Neuburger

This is why information that people tend to share on social networking sites can get them into trouble in there real lives.  I heard of an employee at my friend's job that was fired for making derogatory comments about her manager on Facebook.  This really makes you wonder about where the line is drawn when it comes to the privacy of your social networking page.  I feel as though if you share information for everyone to see, it is no longer private and you can not argue for privacy.  

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